Kaeser Compressors Webinars

Archived Webinar

Compressed Air Best Practices

5 Tips on optimizing VFD air compressors

Join Keynote Speaker, Loran Circle, Senior Consultant for Compressed Air System Training & Consulting, to learn 5 tips on optimizing VFD air compressors. He will explain how these air compressors work and how to properly integrate them within a compressed air system. This presentation will also examine how pressure setpoints, site conditions, storage and flow controllers impact VFD air compressors and system optimization.

Werner Rauer, Rotary Screw Compressors Product Manager for Kaeser Compressors, will present "Proper Application of Variable Frequency Drive Compressors.” He will discuss key points to consider when designing compressed air systems with variable frequency drive technology.

Archived Webinar

Water & Wastes Digest

How to build a better blower station

Designing a blower aeration system for a wastewater treatment plant has many moving pieces. Each contributes to the overall health and efficiency of the system and the impact of poorly addressing one area can have far-reaching implications for many years to come. In order to achieve reliable and energy efficient operation, it's vital to consider technology, station sizing, the installation room, communications, and more. This culminates in writing a clear specification that can help streamline the bidding process.

    Archived Webinar

    Food Engineering

    How to Achieve Clean, Dry, Compressed Air for Food Processing Applications without Sacrificing Energy Efficiency

    Compressed air quality has a major impact on production in food processing applications and is one of many considerations for food safety. Without clean, dry air, maintenance requirements increase and pneumatic tool life decreases. On the other hand, over-treating compressed air results in unnecessary pressure drop and higher energy costs. Strategies for properly selecting and correctly sizing compressed air dryers, piping, and filters are essential for reducing scrap and optimizing product costs.

    Join compressed air experts Werner Rauer and Neil Mehltretter as they cover best practices for air treatment, including:

    • Determining air quality needed for an application
    • Understanding how component selection impacts energy efficiency
    • Building an effective and efficient compressed air system

        Archived Webinar

        Body Shop Business

        Compressed Air for Body Shops

        A reliable supply of clean, dry compressed air is vital for body shops. Taking the time to understand air quantity and quality requirements can keep energy costs in line and prevent the costly re-work caused by contaminants in the compressed air supply.  

        Join compressed air experts Michael Camber and Neil Mehltretter as they discuss best practices for compressed air systems in body shops. 

        Topics include:

        • Components in a compressed air system necessary for bodywork and spraying finishes 

        • Types of dryers and tips on selecting the right one 

        • Air treatment components to ensure clean, dry air that won’t ruin paint jobs 

        • Common types of contaminants and how to remove them 

        • Key design factors for evaluating a compressed air system 

        • How piping material selection impacts air quality

        Archived Webinar

        Blower & Vacuum Best Practices

        Blower Controls for Aeration Efficiency

        Learn how to optimize blower power consumption while meeting variable aeration demands.

        There are many types of blowers used for supplying aeration systems and many methods for modulating blower flow rates. The flow rate and discharge pressure for aeration blowers are determined by fluctuating process demands. This webinar will discuss the methods appropriate for each blower type. The trade-offs of each method in efficiency, reliability, and energy consumption will be covered. Techniques for analyzing and comparing wire-to-air power consumption will be explained with illustrative examples provided.

        Stephen Horne, Blower Product Manager for Kaeser Compressors, presents: “Blower Master Controllers – How the IIoT can Optimize Blower Station Performance.” This presentation will cover how proper communications between blower packages and a master controller can truly optimize performance, predict future requirements, and increase reliability.

        Archived Webinar

        Compressed Air Best Practices

        IoT and Compressed Air Management Systems

        Join Keynote Speaker, Tim Dugan, President and Principal Engineer of Compression Engineering Corporation to learn how IoT is driving compressed air monitoring and control to become easier than ever before within a plant. His presentation will review compressed air master controls, compressed air room monitoring and demand-side monitoring. He will also discuss how IoT has made it easier and less expensive for end users to implement air compressor room and demand-side monitoring.

        Jarno Manzke, Technical Director for Kaeser Compressors presents: “How the IIoT Will Change the Face of Compressed Air in Industrial Environments.” The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has proven to have far-reaching consequences both in terms of technology and in challenging the way we think. This presentation will put the IIoT in the context of compressed air, describing the current situation and what compressed air suppliers, service providers, and end-users may expect to see in the future.